You are the Jedi Knight to farsee these datafiles since 30-January-2001.
THE FORCE: Force Powers: Battlemind, Rage, Illusion
CHARACTER: Species:Kiffar,
Rise of the Empire
THE FORCE: Force Powers: Lightsaber
Relationship Table
I started playing the old West End Games' (WEG) Star Wars RPG back in 1987. My friends and I had many nights of fun then and for the next few years. After that we moved on to other games and systems. Like everybody else, I was very excited with the release of Episode I (that is, until I watched the movie :) and the prospect of two other movies. This fot me all geared up to play a rpg campaign set in the Star Wars universe. Unfortunately, after 14 years of rpg playing, I came to realize that I don't really like systems that make use of "buckets of dice," like WEG's D6 and White Wolf's. It was about that time that Wizards of the Coast got the Star Wars license and announced they were releasing a new Star Wars RPG. I had reservations about that, since I don't particularly like the new d20 (it's perfect for hack and slash fantasy games, but aside from that...), but I thought "Hey, maybe they'll get it right." So I bought the book. They didn't get it right.
Okay, I didn't want to go back to the old system and I didn't like the new one. What to do? Fortunately, my friends had ressurrected our old WitchCraft game. This game, designed by C.J. Carella and published by Eden Studios, uses the Unisystem. It is a simple system created by Carella and marketed by Eden as a kind of generic system, although right now it is only used in their games. Anyway, the Unisystem combines simple mechanics with a good cinematic feel, a perfect match for the Star Wars setting. It's not the Holy Grail of rpg systems, but it works. So I took upon myself to convert all the necessary material to run adventures and play Star Wars with Unisystem. For that, I shamelessly used previous sourcebooks by WEG, the d20 core book (the parts that I thought worked) and many unofficial write-ups (especially from the SWRPGNetwork). Of course, the movies were also used as source. Where my understanding of something clashed with a sourcebook write-up, I went with my take on it. In the Characters and Force sections I started from some conversion notes C.J. Carella wrote and changed some things to better reflect my interpretations.
A final note. I did this so my friends and I could play (there has been two successful sessions so far). I didn't set out to write the definite Unisystem sourcebook on Star Wars. What this means is: these notes are consistent within themselves, not necessarily with the larger Unisystem universe. For example, I have blaster pistol damage written up as D6 x 4, doubling after armor. In an informal write-up, C.J. Carella has it being D8 x 6, also doubling after armor. I went with mine because it was easier (I was using the WEG's die codes with the d20 conversion rules) and gave the player characters a greater chance to survive at least one shot. The armor, weapons, vehicles and starships write-ups all work inside this setting, but using them in other Unisystem games might require some scaling up. I may, in the future, come up with a fully Unisystem-compatible version of these notes, but if you, in the meantime, decide to write it, I'll be more than glad to post it here.
Well, that's it. I hope you enjoy it and even use it in your campaigns. If you do, tell me what you think. Oh, you might need a copy of one of the Unisystem games (either All Flesh Must Be Eaten or C.J. Carella's WitchCraft) to understand most of these notes.
This site is far from complete and, like most pages, is always under construction.
No infringiment of copyright and/or trademark is intendended with these pages. Lucasart. Lucasfilm. I think you get the idea: all Star Wars-related property belongs to George Lucas. Ownership of WitchCraft and the Unisystem (trademark and/or copyright, I am never sure which) belongs to C.J. Carella. All original work is either copyright © 2002 Fred Furtado or the respective author (it will be listed where relevant).
As I said above, I started from some conversion notes by C.J. Carella which I changed to better reflect my understanding of the setting. In this link, you will find Starting Points, Qualities, Drawbacks and Skill notes.
These are notes for Force skills and powers, as well as quick run through the Jedi Order and lightsabers.
Blasters, armors and bacta tanks. You will find all of them in here.
This sections has construction rules, notes on creating droid PCs and stats for the more famous druids.
Speeder galore.
Write-ups for most of the ships in the setting. It is far from complete, mainly because I prefer to use the D6 write-ups as sources and my friend who has the WEG books has no idea where they are. If you have them, please send them my way.
Write-ups for many strange animals that have shown up in movies.
This section contains the many movie characters written up using these notes. Also far from complete and some write-ups are not the definite ones for the same reason stated above.
Most of the conversion notes for the d20 system are covered by the Dungeons & Dragons conversion rules. This section will focus mainly on the D6 system.
Unisystem Lite (used in the Buffy RPG) rules for playing in the Star Wars universe
The relevant links for this campaign, but you can find the main rpg links page of the parent site, Planet Fred, at the moon Hyeronnimus.