Rear Admiral Artur
ST 10 DX 11
IQ16 HT 10

BS: 5.75
Race: Human
Born: Terra;
2329 AD
Male; balding, slim body with very light brown skin and brown eyes; 1,70m/75kg
Chief Medical Officer/USS Yamato (3 yrs.)
Charisma +2, Luck, Mathematical Ability, Military Rank (Rear Admiral)
Compulsive Behavior, Duty (Starfleet, 15 or less), Pacifism (Cannot Kill),
Sense of Duty (Crew & passengers)
Quirks: Bald,
Likes to stand, Scratches his head when thinking, Stress balls give me
luck, Wears a fop watch
Skills: Administration
15, Armoury (Hand phasers 15, Photon torpedoes 15, Starship phasers 15),
Bard 14, Beam Weapons (Phaser) 12, Computer Op. 17, Computer Programming
21, Diplomacy 19, Eletronics (Security Systems)
18, Eletronics Ops. (Computers 14, Deflectors 14, Security Systems 14,
Sensors 14, Transporters 14), Engineer (Vehicles 18, Warp Drive 21), Fast-Talk
15, Freefall 10, Karate 10, Law (Federation) 13, Leadership 17, Mathematics
17, Mechanic (Robotics 15, Warp Drive 16), Merchant 15, Nuclear Physics
16, Physics 17, Riding (Horse) 9, Savoir-Faire (Starfleet) 15, Scrounging
17, Starship Building 17, Strategy (Space) 17, Swimming 10, Telegraphy
15, Vacc Suit 15
Andorian 13, Federation Standard 16, Klingon 13, Portuguese (Native) 16,
Romulan 13
Artur was already a captain on his way to his own command when the opportunity
to serve together with then Captain
Hernandez at a brand new Galaxy-class starship nonetheless
. presented itself. Forfeiting a ship of his own, he decided to become
Hernandez's first officer aboard the Yamato. When Hernandez was
promoted, Artur, as the logical successor, became the ship's commanding
officer. That only lasted a year, since Artur was on the fast track. Starfleet
promoted him to the Admiralty and whisked him away to Starfleet Command.
There he has served as advisor, field commander and strategist, being specially
involved in the recent Federation-Dominion war.
copyright © 1996 Carlos Figueiredo