These are some notes I wrote on adapting the
Stargate SG-1 TV
series to a GURPS game. They
are far from complete, but I think they at least allow you to kickstart a campaign.They
are heavily based on John Tynes' work for a now aborted D6
Stargate RPG game and on my own understanding of the show's mythology.
I hope you enjoy it. And don't forget: Stargate
SG-1 belongs to MGM/UA
GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy
Unusual Background (Former Goa'uld/Tok'ra Host), 25 points A character with this advantage was, at some time, a host for a Goa'uld
or Tok'ra (most likely the latter, since he or she is still alive). As a result,
the character can sense the presence of a symbiont when in close proximity of
it. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true, and symbionts can sense that the
character was once a host. Through the use of artifical methods, the character
can access his former symbiont's memories. The character can also wield certain
Goa'uld artifacts like the Ribbon Device.
SG Team Operative, 0 point
Duty: SGC (Almost all the time) [-15]
Brawling at DX [1], First Aid at IQ [1], Guns: SMG at DX [1], SGC Operations
at IQ [2]
10 points to distribute in any of the following skills (at least 1 point):
Beam weapons (Ribbon Device) at DX [1], Electronics Ops (Goauld tech)
at IQ [2]
Beam Weapons (Goa'uld Staff), P/E, default(DX-4)
Beam Weapons (Ribbon Device), P/E, default(DX-4)
Beam Weapons (Zatnktel), P/E, default(DX-4)
Asguard M/H
Goauld M/H
SGC Ops, M/A, default(IQ-5) This skill is taught by Stargate Command to its recruits, and covers both
academic knowledge and hands-on practices. In terms of knowledge, SG-1 Ops
reflects a basic understanding of the SGC project, stargates, known alien
worlds and civilizations, known transplanted pre-industrial human cultures,
the nature of the Goa'uld, and the procedures of SGC field operations. This
includes the operation of SGC equipment, including homing beacons and beacon
detectors, GDOs, MALPs, UVLs and FREDs.
Electronic Ops (Goauld Tech), M/A, default(IQ-5)
Electronic Ops (Stargate), M/A, default(IQ-5) The user has an advanced knowledge of stargates, may recognize or implement
coordinate sets to known destinations, and may analyze and repair defective
stargates and dial-home devices with the proper equipment. Note that this
skill is not necessary to dial a stargate location, anybody can do it.
Xenology (Goauld), M/H, default(IQ-6) This skill represents a detailed knowledge of the Goauld, encompassing
everything presently known by SGC. Successful use of this skill could allow
the user to pass for a Goauld servant or recognize and understand a
Go'ald ritual or event.
Piloting (Death Glider), P/A, default(IQ-6)
Piloting (Goa'uld Mothership), M/A, default(IQ-6)
Goauld Force Field Rigid and Velocity-Limited (75% normal DR), UT2 p.75.
Stargate Glyphs
- A list of all the glyphs and some of the addresses that appeared in the
Stargate SG-1
Weapons - A page containing write-ups of the Goa'uld staff and the
Ribbon Device created with GURPS Vehicles.
Stargate SG-1 for Bureau
13 - A counterpart to this page, adapting the Stargate SG-1 show for
TriTac's Bureau 13 game. Write-ups of the main characters can
be found here.