SLA Industries

Since October 20th, 2001
May 22 , 2020
CONVERSION: Added Lord of the Rings
April 30 , 2020
CONVERSION: Added links
April 26 , 2020
CONVERSION: Unisystem Amber PDF
The Unisystem is the system mechanic used originally
in C.J. Carella's WitchCraft RPG (also used in Armageddon
and the zombie game All Flesh Must Be Eaten). WitchCraft
is a great game of urban fantasy and supernatural horror set in the modern world.
This game not only have a great setting, but also provides a game mechanic that
is a good compromise between simplicity and complexity. In fact, the Unisystem
is going to be marketed as a generic system, useful for a variety of campaigns.
I have always liked generic systems (check out my GURPS
campaigns) and I think Unisystem
has what it takes to establish itself as strong seller. I especially look forward
to their super-hero/alien races sourcebook Beyond Human. If you
want to learn more about WitchCraft and the Unisystem,
you can go straight to Eden Studios'
(the publisher) website or visit John
Kahane's where you will find a comprehensive FAQ. In these pages, you will find information on the campaigns I
run, conversion rules for bringing other systems' games to Unisystem,
new material to use in your games and links to other sites containing information
and/or material about WitchCraft and the other Unisystem
No infringiment of copyright and/or trademark is intendended
with this page. Ownership of WitchCraft, Armageddon and the Unisystem
(trademark and/or copyright, I am never sure which) belongs to C.J.
Carella. All Flesh Must Be Eaten rights belongs to Eden
Studios. All original work is either copyright © 2001-2006 Fred
Furtado or the respective author (it will be listed where relevant).
This section lists and provides links to all
of my campaigns that use the Unisystem.
- A Gathering of Heroes - Follow the adventures
of a group of heroes in the continent of Westeros.
- Next Stop Malkuth - Set in the WitchCraft world, it chronicles the doings of the Old Gods and their offspring, the Inheritors,
forced to live in Avatar form to escape destruction at the hands of the Seraphim.
- Planetary: Elseworld - The archeologists
of the impossible set out to uncover the secret history of the universe.
Since I started using the Unisystem in
my games, I realized that its generic characteristic could be useful in converting
or adapting settings from other systems and works of fiction. Below, you will
find links to conversions and adaptations that I, and other people, have compiled
so far. I have borrowed from other people's work in some of my conversions,
but their contribution is duly noted.
- 2300AD - GDW's Man's Battle For the Stars comes to Unisystem.
- A Song of Ice and Fire - Green Ronin's Westeros game to Unisystem
- Amber - based on the unofficial GURPS
adaptation of Roger Zelazny's work.
- Babylon 5 - races and PPGs for Unisystem.
- CODA - notes for converting the system
used in the Lord of The Rings and Star Trek RPGs.
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition -
bring your high-fantasy campaign to the Unisystem with these rules.
- Fringeworthy - conversion notes and
rules to run adventures in Tri Tac Systems' Fringeworthy setting.
- GURPS Magic - a couple of notes
to port this system over to Unisystem.
- Jorune & PDF - a quite thorought conversion by John Snead.
- Lord of the Rings - an extensive conversion of the Decipher game. By HumAnnoyd.
- Marvel - conversion tables for TSR's Marvel
Super Heroes RPG.
- MEGS - quick and dirty rules to convert
DC Heroes RPG characters into Unisystem.
- Night's
Dawn - complete rules for playing in the universe of Peter F. Hamilton's
The Night's Dawn trilogy. By Taraqual.
- Nightspawn & Rifts - character creation
notes for the former and armor and weapon conversion notes for the latter.
- Pirates! - a 2005 take (pre-Arrgh! Thar Be Zombies!) on pirates using cinematic Unisystem. By Jake de Oude.
- The Primal Order - conversion notes for
this game of divine characters.
- SLA Industries (PDF) - rules for Cubicle7 and Nighfall Games'setting. By Lord Patrick Bass.
- Shadowrun - conversion notes for this
great game of "cyberpunk meets fantasy."
- Star Frontiers (PDF) - conversion notes for TSR'' science fiction RPG. By Jody Denton & R.J. Hacker.
- Star Trek - races and weapons for Unisystem. And here's an alternative take by John Snead.
- Star Wars - conversion notes for running Star Wars games with Unisystem (both Full and Lite), including rules
for WEG's D6 system.
- Stargate - extensive rules for playing in the setting of both Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate:
Atlantis. By Barachiel.
- TRON (PDF) - the late Dan Davis came up with this great adaptation of the classic 80's movie.
- Westeros - notes for playing in George
R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire setting.
- World of Darkness: Cainites & Lupines - rules for converting
Vampire and Werewolf characters.
- World of Darkness: Mage (PDF) - rules for playing Mage with Unisystem.
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Here you will find new rules, characters, associations
and anything else that I think of to use in your campaign.
- Agents of Retribution - The Changers of the status quo.
- Council of Camelot - The reincarnated Knights of the Round Table
wait for the Once and Future King.
- Unisystem Character Sheet (Front
& Back) - These sheets can
be used in any game that uses the Unisystem. They were designed by Jody
Denton, who is open to suggestions, comments, or criticisms.
- DC Heroes - DC comics characters.
- D&D Monsters - Well-known adversaries
for your fantasy campaign.
- Marvel Heroes - Marvel comics characters
for ULite.
- Monster Galore - Four classical monsters a la Unisystem, courtesy of Thom Marrion
- Movie Heroes - Movie versions of Marvel
and DC characters.
- Strahd Von Zarovich - The Darklord of
Barovia, courtesy of Timothy S. Brannan
- Wild Cards - Characters from the famous science-fiction/super-hero
- Witchy Supers - Famous super-heroes,
like the 1930's Superman and Wonder Woman, with a WitchCraft spin.
By Thom Marrion.
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There are not all that many links to Unisystem
pages yet. However, the precious few I know are listed below. For campaigns
I run in other systems, just go to the Patchworld.
to Patchworld
Well, enjoy it! And if you want, you can drop me a line at fred at patchlord dot com.
Last Update:
22-May-2020 12:59